This was a comic concept I was working on some years back. The premise was a main character that some experience with the quantum world, and researched aliens in a military containment center/workshop. Because of his relationship with quantum energies he had some ability to communicate with the aliens he was researching, but had to solve puzzles and clues to do this. Archeology and art artifacts were involved and he would go to the elite auction houses of the world, like Sotheby’s in England, to obtain items, also from archeological sites, and bargaining with looters. I ment for thé items to be real ones, researched and drawn accurately, also with regard to prices, however the items would have some kind of quantum energy power with regard to the aliens under study. I had fun with this but never got very far on it. I have started many comic tittles, but only got a little bit going with another, somewhat similar tittle Quantum Psychotherapy, one work I hope to feature in this newsletter.
Here is the guy at his worksho